SEO Consultant Melbourne

Drive Business Growth with Simple SEO Solutions

Looking for lasting business growth? SEO is the answer.

Google rankings can make or break your small business.

With over 8.5 billion Google searches per day, there’s no shortage of customers online.

As the cost of paid ads skyrockets, businesses are turning back to organic search with huge success.

Think quality leads, cheaper traffic, and higher conversion rates.

Despite the many marketing options available, SEO remains the #1 most profitable and consistent traffic source.

And Google isn’t going anywhere.

If you don’t show up when your customers are searching for you, all the leads, sales, and growth that should be yours will go to the competition.

They’ll keep pushing forward because dominating Google’s organic listings provides a powerful competitive advantage.

Free traffic means more resources, a bigger marketing budget, and higher profits.

It’s hard for any business to compete with that.

The question is…

Would you prefer to lead or play catch-up?

Small Businesses Enjoying SEO Success

Here’s a few of the amazing businesses I’ve worked with…

Working alongside Finn is a breeze - seriously, what a legend. He is kind, creative and delivers results. Would recommend his services for those looking to up their marketing game.
Tom Hollow
Owner | Hollow & Co
I'd previously worked with marketing agencies, only to find their service a little unsatisfactory and with little to show for the money I'd spent. Since I started working with Finn, I've seen leads leads leads! The phone won't stop ringing!
Leo Close
Director | Close Consulting
We have seen a big increase in qualified leads and website traffic since we started working with CB Digital. Finn helped us with our SEO and improving our website which hadn’t been updated in years.
Brahmy Multisanti
Owner | Expert Elite


Revenue Generated


Businesses Helped


Niches Assisted

Trusted SEO Professionals

Choose The Right Partner & Avoid The SEO Nightmare

The truth is, many small businesses have been burned by SEO.

With dodgy agencies, self-proclaimed gurus, and sketchy “SEO” freelancers, it’s a confusing world to navigate.

Finding a trusted SEO consultant can feel impossible at times.

How can you tell who is a genuine expert and who is trying to profit off your lack of knowledge?

If they can’t show you results, focus on vanity metrics, and confuse you with complicated jargon, those are red flags.

Instead, you should be looking for a partner with these qualities:

Proven Results

Proven results and case studies from various niches and industries.

Long-term Clients

Clients that stay for the long term because of ROI and top tier customer service.

Whitehat Methods

Methods that are Google approved and in-line with webmaster guidelines. No Black hat SEO.

Transparent Reporting

Reports that make sense, focus on key statistics and don't require a marketing degree to understand.

A Fresh Approach To SEO

My SEO services are a little different to agencies. 

Our clients are capped so that we can give your business full attention.

You work directly with and SEO consultant who you can contact at any time.

Our monthly reporting is streamlined and so simple that anyone can understand it.

And you get a host of other marketing services entirely free.

SEO Consultant

Digital Agency

Made For Growth

Proven SEO Growth Frameworks

For over 1000+ hours my team has tested, improved, refined and systemised to create SEO frameworks for small businesses that consistently deliver.

SEO Experience
Across All Businesses

Most small businesses can grow through SEO including e-commerce stores, service businesses and physical retail stores.

E-Commerce Stores

SEO for E-Commerce store including Shopify & Woo-Commerce.

Local Businesses

SEO for local businesses and brick & mortar shops.

Service Businesses

SEO for service businesses including trades and professional services.

How My SEO Services Work..

Get in touch for a short chat. I’ll introduce myself and we can discuss your business goals and see if we’re a good fit.

I’ll go away and review your website and competitors to find winning opportunities. 

This involves looking at your current rankings and identifying issues with your website

If I don’t see any opportunity to add value, I’ll advise you that I can’t help you.

After the review, I’ll share my insights and suggest which SEO plan will best suit your needs. 

SEO plans start at $999 + GST. 

If your budget doesn’t allow for this, then we aren’t a good fit.

Once your ready to get started, we will start by setting up your SEO foundations in the first months. 

This sets your website up for success.

I continue to build the authority of your website and re-optimise as required for you to succeed. 

Monthly reporting, check-in calls and priority email support will keep you updated at all times.

Grow Your Traffic
With Google Approved

Only 100% Google approved, white hat SEO methods used to increase your rankings.

Work out exactly what’s ruining your rankings with a website audit. I’ll uncover what’s hurting your organic traffic so we can fix it.

Get handpicked keywords so that your ideal customers can find you when searching for your products or services.

Get new SEO content that improves your websites rankings while helping you convert customers.

On-page SEO implemented throughout your website ensuring your pages are correctly optimised and structured for success.

Get backlinks to your site to increase your websites authority. These external links increase your trustworthiness with Google.

Have an expert team correct all your complicated technical SEO problems. These can destroy a websites SEO and require specialised knowledge to fix.

$9242 In Bonus Marketing Services

SEO + Bonus
Marketing Services

I understand that traffic isn’t your end goal. You need more customers, not just clicks. 
SEO is part of a broader strategy to boost your revenue.
With any SEO plan, you’ll receive a range of valuable marketing services at no extra cost.
My team will update your website for better conversion, assist with maintenance, and provide support and advice for your other marketing channels.
These services are designed to turn your increased SEO visibility into paying customers.

I believe in offering complete solutions, so all of this is included with any SEO plan…

Conversion Optimisation

Changes to your website to help you get more sales + leads from new traffic ($2523)

Website Maintenace

Website changes, updates and maintenance ($100 p/month)

Priority Email Support

VIP Same day email support ($59 p/month)

Moneyback Guarantee

90 day moneyback guarantee if your rankings don't improve ($5999)

1 to 1 Service

Always work 1 to 1 with your SEO consultant - no account managers or salespeople ($250 p/hour)

Monthly Strategy Calls

Monthly consulting calls to discuss marketing progress + strategy ($450)

Get a personal marketing blueprint valued at $1000+

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Your Questions Answered

SEO packages vary depending on the needs and budget of a business.

For example, a small service business may only focus on three core services. On the other hand, a large e-commerce store may have hundreds of pages and keywords.

But an SEO consultant will be able to determine what level of service is best for you. 

SEO is a long term strategy. The results timeframe depends on many factors such as domain authority, competition, Google penalties, current backlinks and more. 

It typically takes between 3 – 6 months to start seeing strong results from SEO.

However you don’t need to keep paying for SEO traffic like with Facebook / Google ads. This is what makes it a fantastic strategy long term.

Even for small businesses in Melbourne, SEO is a great way to generate consistent leads and sales. Often, it’s the most inexpensive way to acquire new clients or customers. 

Anybody can learn basic SEO themselves. But this will take time and will only get you so far. If you’d prefer to DIY SEO, then it’s worth studying a few SEO courses or finding a mentor.

You may even find and SEO consultant whose willing to give you lessons.

If you’d like to manage your SEO internally but want support, then I can train you/your team to look after it yourself.

SEO involves multiple steps when done correctly. Usually, it involves the following strategies:

Website Audits

I thoroughly audit your website to find any technical issues, such as broken links or slow load speed, that may be affecting your search engine rankings. I’ll also assess your website’s structure, content, and user experience to ensure they align with best practices.

Keyword Research

Identifying the right keywords is the foundation of SEO. It involves understanding what terms your target audience is searching for and how to optimise your content around these keywords.

On-Page Optimisation

Correctly optimising individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic.

SEO Copywriting

Creating valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience.

Link Building

Developing strategies to get other websites to link back to yours, a practice that signals to search engines that your site is a valuable resource.

Technical SEO

Correcting issues so search engines can crawl and index your site more effectively, improving organic rankings.

I work with e-commerce stores, service businesses and local businesses with brick-and-mortar shops.

Typically, most businesses can benefit from SEO.

E-Commerce SEO

Online stores approach SEO in a different way to service businesses.

Correctly structuring product pages and collections is essential to drive sales and revenue.

Usually, e-commerce stores have more pages so a strong emphasis on technical SEO is important.

Local Business SEO

Local SEO focuses on targeting customers in your local area.

By optimising your website for searches in local suburbs and improving your Google My Business profile, you’ll attract more local customers and clients.

Service Business SEO

For service businesses, content plays a huge part in ranking well.

Correctly structuring your service pages and creating amazing content can deliver consistent leads.

By ensuring Google views you as an expert in your field, you are likely to see SEO success.

Get A Personal Marketing Blueprint Valued At $1000+

Claim Your High Growth Digital Strategy Session

Get A Personal Marketing Blueprint Valued At $1000+

Claim Your High Growth Digital Strategy Session

The Service Business Digital Marketing Playbook

Five winning strategies that agencies don’t want you to know…